
River Sweep
Let's win the battle against litter in our rivers (or anywhere for that matter). Love and respect where you live.
Don't be a TOSSER, throw your rubbish in a bin or take it home with you!
Last updated - 04.09.23
Picking started - 03.07.21
This graph shows the scale and trends of the items that are being discarded into the river regularly.
Obviously, any plastics and or foreign objects in the river are very harmful to all life in the area (even including humans).
We understand it is fun and you are trying to do a nice thing by feeding the swans bread. Unfortunately, we are sorry to be the barer of bad news but large amounts of bread can lead to very bad dietary health conditions for most birds, as it bloats out their stomachs and also doesn't give them the nutrients they need to survive.
Please see the link below for more information